Peer Review Process
The Manuscipt submitted will be peer-reviewed. Peer Review is a process in which journals assess the quality of manuscripts prior to publication, are reviewed by relevant experts in their fields to review and comment on accepted manuscripts. This process aims to help editors determine whether a manuscript should be published, corrected or rejected. Comparativa: Journal of Mazhab and Law Comparison only publish articles that have been reviewed on the OJS system or outside the system and approved. We used a double blind peer-reviewed, its mean reviewer and author remain anonymous to each other.
The reviewer does not make a decision to accept or reject the paper, but provides a decision recommendation. In Comparativa: Journal of Mazhab and Law Comparison, decision-making authority rests solely with the journal editor in chief, managing editor or the journal's editorial board.
Review Process
- Manuscripts submitted to the journal are first screened by the editorial team. Editor Evaluate journal focus and scope and supplementary data. If not meet criteria, manuscript will be rejected;
- Manuscript are first checked for similarity by a member of the editorial team. rejected if found major plagiarism, contacted author if found redunancy or minor plagiarism for clarification. if there are no improvements made by the author, manuscript will be rejected;
- Editor will be send manuscripts that pass the examination to a minimum of one peer-reviewer for review;
- Peer Reviewer send back his review form to Editor with recommendations to journal editors whether the manuscript should be rejected or accepted (with revised note if necessary);
- The journal editor considers all feedback from peer reviewer and makes a decision to accept, require major revision, need minor revision or reject the manuscript;
- The Editor will email the decision to the author for confirmation. If approved, the manuscript will be sent to production. If revisions must be made by the authors and promptly returned to the editor by ojs system or email. An editorial team will review revisions to ensure necessary updates are made before publication. Entries returned more than one month old are considered new submission.